The concept of managed email was created for those companies keen to divest themselves of one of the most onerous parts of IT administration – email - while also bringing greater accessibility, flexibility and collaboration potential to the company. It’s an ideal solution for businesses seeking to streamline operations, reduce costs and set new standards of business communications efficiency. COMPUTER TROUBLESHOOTERS™ has branded its managed email service and called it CT Cloud Exchange. Our email solution is based on Microsoft Exchange that is fully managed at CT centralised data centre; thereby reducing client’s hardware, software & maintenance costs. Emails received are checked for viruses and sifted for spam: this cleaner, leaner mail output can then be read by users via locally installed Outlook or via common web browsers or iPad or iPhone or Smartphones or Blackberry. Emails sent or read on web browsers will be sync to Outlook and all portable devices automatically, eliminating double reading altogether. As well as the feature-rich environment (including group calendaring, contact management and task tracking), clients also benefit from comprehensive back-up procedures and local support – Our solution is a combination that promotes both peace of mind and productive working.
CT Cloud Exchange supports MAPI-enabled mailboxes and provides all the features of Microsoft Messaging with the additional power of collaboration using Microsoft Outlook Web Access, Microsoft Mobile Access, Microsoft Outlook and Blackberry Sync We support iPhone & Smartphone Sync also. To see how CT Cloud Exchange can upgrade your business email, email enquiry@comptroub.com.hk to discuss and arrange a demonstration.
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